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Research Groups

The TIC Research Group is a platform for our members to deepen their knowledge of financial markets, asset classes, and investment due diligence. Our analysts gain hands-on experience through individual research projects and guided research collaboration with the Tufts University Investment Office. At the end of each semester, analysts publish their individual reports and present their research to the TIC community. The Research Group consists of two sectors, allowing analysts to pursue topics of their interest.

Trade Review

The Trade Review sector uses in-depth analysis of historically relevant financial trades to create a dialect about the status quo, the future, and underlying consistencies within the world of investing. This sector’s goal is to foster an open environment where the members can brainstorm potential trades within the context of macroeconomic factors and trends.

VC/PE Investments


The VC/PE Investments sector examines early and growth stage private investment processes and associated historical trends through case studies and industry due diligence, including now public VC-backed companies or failed SPACs. We collaborate with the Tufts University Investment Office (TUIO) to conduct rigorous, industry-specific research throughout each semester, building upon key investment theses and opportunities.

Fall 2023 Project Leads

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David Tan

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Isabella Estevez

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Eric Wang

Eric, a junior from Nanjing, China, is majoring in Political Science and Quantitative Economics with a Mathematics minor at Tufts. He leads a PE/VC research group within the Tufts Investment Club. His keen interest lies at the crossroads of politics, commerce, and the TMT industry. Eric has garnered insights in these areas through internships at EY Consulting, Eurasia Group, and the corporate strategy team at 2K Games. Outside of his academic and professional pursuits, he enjoys snowboarding, playing pick-up basketball, and remixing classic beats.

David is a junior from Vancouver, Canada majoring in Quantitative Economics and International Relations. Passionate about the intersection between businesses’ finance and strategy, he spent his previous summers at PeakSpan Capital, a growth equity firm focused on B2B software, and McKinsey & Company, where he’ll be returning full-time after graduation. Along serving as the project lead for the Cambridge Associates this semester, he also worked on the Tufts Investment Office as a Research Lead and the Cross Section engagement as an analyst.

 Isabella Estevez is a junior studying international relations with a concentration in international economics; she’s also pursuing a finance minor. She’s been part of the Tufts Investment Club since the spring of 2023, when she was an analyst on the VC/PE research group and produced slides on the growth of the carbon capture industry, its integration with other technologies, and the profitability of shared networks, among other aspects of the field. This past summer, she interned at Elliott Investment Management in NY as a research intern, where she sharpened her investigative and analysis skills to bring back to the TIC. 

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Tufts Investment Club is a student-run organization. The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investment advice. Engaging in securities transactions can result in a partial or complete loss of invested capital. For investment advice, seek a duly licensed professional.

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